2023.2.5 Release

Prod: Kohey / Lyrics: KAJI

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We all are human
Weapon is our beatbox
Your heart always being burn

Beat the kick-drum
Hit the cymbal
Smash the snare-drum
Twang the guitar
Rumble the bass
We are human cyborgs

We were just children didn’t know anything
We had just way too weak mouth and nose
We didn’t know we can do it ourselves
We knew the music is human beatbox

Roll your both lips
Click your tongue more
Tremble your throat
It is not enough
Push air through your nose
Brush your teeth more
Now the time is ripe
Beat the kick-drum
Hit the cymbal
Smash the snare-drum
Twang the guitar
Rumble the bass
We are human cyborgs

Tired to move both of mouth and nose
Couldn’t play any sounds even hi-hats
While the face couldn’t work, the brain got hype
We knew the music is human beatbox


We will never die even if the mouth gone
We will never die even if the body gone


We are human cyborgs



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